
Boogie Down Bronx

While the more glamorous types spend their summer weekends in breezy beach towns, I will be spending my time and my dime in the boogie down Bronx with the lovely Rokafella ..

Met her on Saturday for a tour of Parkchester ..

We hit the Cuban Chinese spot for a snack, where I observed, "Did you ever notice how the waiters are always so unbothered to be here? Like here's your food. Yes, it's good. I don't need to ask how you like it." And Roka said, "Yea. Cause you know, they're like, 'In my country I was an engineer.'" Indeed. Cuban Chinese tastes good with a dash of mad attitude.

Then we made it to the beauty supply store, and, honey, if you don't know us you cannot imagine. Hair Hair Everywhere. It was like a reunion of sorts. Yo, did you ever try Queen Helen? Yea all the time. But it's not so good to leave in. You leave it in? Yea it works the curl. Ohh how about that Mane & Tail? No I never tried that. That shit reminds me of high school. I know you used TCB. Nahh, we white; we used Curl Free—you know, with the hippie on the box.

We went on for awhile. Then we made our way to the extension department, where an older woman stopped us to say, "Why are you two here. You got hair. Me‚ I ain't got hair. I need hair. But you two got hair." True, true, we do. But we like straight hair. Long hair. Flowing waves of amber grain. Purple mountains majesty. Some ill shit.

Then the older woman stopped the Asian man behind thed counter. "Mr. Chang!" "My name's not Mr. Chang." "But you Chinese." "No." "Korean." "No." "Japanese." "No." Alright, what are you?" "New Yorker."

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Next up, we hittin' Fordham Road. Can I get a white stretch jean? I'm sayin ..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and it's Queen Helene not Helen. Furthermore, it would probably be a good idea to do a bit of research on Cuba and its history before making highly presumptuous and offensive statements concerning its emigrants. We live in a very changed world these days, and its quite sad that you use this medium to perpetuate stereotypes and make feeble attempts to present yourself as this "down" girl who incorporates "pier queen" lingo to add a bit of "street cred" to a whole lot of nonsense without citing your sources. Much of your "rants" and superficial observations are as lost as the decade in which you continuously are trying to resurrect. If it's not 80s references, it's 90's bargain basement "fashion moments" that have no relevance to what's really going on in fashion or art. We are almost at the point of commercial flights to space and u're still trying to live Dondi White, KRS One, and Roxanne Shante. PLEASE...Fuck the people wearing flip-flops well into October, it's your own sensibilities and points of reference that need an EXTREME MAKEOVER.

12:19 AM  

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