
I feel it coming on .. I feel it .. I feel it ..

...so we invited people to tell us about their Lovemarks and got a range of responses from "water" to "Mary Mother of God" .. I am still in awe that Nicole could maintain interest (and a straight face) and Simone, well she is just amazing because she talks to people like she cares!

I did my Lovemarks bit. First on line, naturally. Cannot resist a camera. Spoke a bit insanely about my love of Chanel cosmetics and skincare (something disturbing like "It's not a product, it's a way of life.") and also recalled how I actually opened a charge account at Macy's (hush !! don't tell anyone. It'll ruin my rep) just to get the discount. Ohh, the things you'll confess to on camera. It was a Jenny Jones moment.

But don't think I had the best story, cause honey, these people in publishing are a little..weird. Like that bedraggled blonde author of unknown age who stated through hooded eyes that her Lovemark was Xanax. Or the bald black guy who informed us he legally changed his middle name to Tag, after Tag Heuer. Which, as Nicole rightly pointed out, loses some of it's allure when you realize it is just German for "day." Or the juicy young lady who proudly informed us that whenever she goes into Target she has a "Targasm."

Someone should call their ad agency. I feel a new campaign coming (err) on.


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