
Mmm Love to Hate You Baby ..

I have always wondered about why people love to hate on others, particularly when they make a point of putting it in print. They say there is no such things as bad press and perhaps this is true—if all you care about is getting your name out there.

But this should not detract from the fact that haters sit at keyboards and espouse their indignation at—at what? At others efforts to do something they love? To show their readers their inherent superiority over both the subject at hand and their readers' ability to assess the situation for themselves? Is hating on others a way to distract themselves from a distinctly foul odor that lurks close under their own nose?

One might say, if you dish it out you should take it. And that's where I draw the line. I don't dish it out in print (and rarely in person). I make it a point of honor not to spread negativity. By this I am not saying I kiss ass. Far from it. If I ain't feelin' it, I don't see it. It's hard to be shady when you don't exist.

And so to those who have taken it upon themselves to "critique" our collective efforts to bring forth something that celebrates and honors a culture that we love, know this: Hate comes from hate. Your disgust/disappointment/disdain only advertises your own. It's apparent. Transparent. And sad.


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