
Dirty Thirties

was at Scrap Yard a couple of weeks ago with Martha Cooper (which was like being with Angelina Jolie at the Cannes Film Festival) and met Robert of www.bboy.com who gave us passes to a battle he was organzing for last Saturday nite .. So I pass along his info to Wes thinking we could sell some We B*Girlz books for the website, and Wes tells me Robert says come through and bring my peoples so how can I resist being put on the guest list for a b-boy event, if only because ohmagod these things are 95% men ..

okay, not men .. boys .. like this one guy, wow, he was amaaazing. Seriously. The more you watch the more you see. Power moves are boring. You gotta have that flow. Light as a feather. Never hit the ground. Be like that and I will watch you all night. Which is what I did. Shamelessly.

I was like, Yo where my man go? Everyone else was getting all aggressive, all (you know) how big my dick is (umm no I dont really care), and my man was just chillin, smiling even, jumpin in the cipher all the time. Flying. It was a sight to behold.

So my girl Sharon gets all curious. How old do you think he is? Illegal in 17 states, I say. But that's not good enough for her. So she goes up to him. Wow, you're really good. How long you been doin this? 8 years, he says. Really? How old are you?


Fuckin' hell. I am twice his age. I never felt like such a dirty old lady. But when I told Roka the story she was like, girl you know it: Dirty Thirties.


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