
Come Get Some

(ya lil bum, I take the cake but you can't get a crumb...)

YES I love me some Big Daddy Kane. Almost as much as I love me some Banksy. But I'm not the only one. My dear sweet partner in pr, Ryan Davies, writes:

I noticed from your blog you're a fan of Banksy. Well, I thought I'd make you a little jealous and let you know there is a bit of his work not 2 mins from my house. It's called the Hitchhiker and is on the corner of a massive roundabout. It's not one of his best by any means—but it's never a bad thing to have a Banksy to look at every morning as you go to work.

"Not one of his best." — Apparently Mr. Davies is discerning whereas I myself go in for a more unseemly sort of idolatry.

(...ultimate and all that good shit. I'm the original Asiatic, acrobatic, there you have it—now get your hand out.)


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