
Lesson One

** Always re-read your emails before pressing send, or you may find yourself saying something that was not quite what you meant, unless you believe in Freudian slips—in which case it's all good.

Exhibit A:

Email from Jesse Smith, cute cute cute ad rep at The L Magazine: I might still be young and dumb but a lot of those songs are almost 15 years old. Besides, I'll be 26 in the fall.

Reply from Miss Rosen: Aww 26 !! how dear .. I don’t know about dumb but young, yes I will go with you for $500.

Now this makes me sound like some lusty old lady, which, I may be on the way to becoming though believe you me that Chanel Age Delay is working wonders.

See, what I had meant to say was: I will go with young for $500 .. but it appears i forgot the "ng" .. Yes, that's right. I forgot the "ng" ..


Would you look at that. I don't even believe it myself.


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